Hi Tonny,

I've extended the UI on some of my local sites to show embargo status (to 
admins) prominently at the top of item record pages.. you could probably use 
org.dspace.embargo.EmbargoManager.getEmbargoDate(context, item)  and check for 
a non-null result, but ultimately the best way is probably to extend 
EmbargoManager with some good checker functions for use by UIs (rather than 

The thing to remember is that EmbargoManager only knows an item is embargoed by 
checking for valid embargo lift date metadata, making sure the value is not in 
the past, and checking item/bitstream authorization policies.
Checking the lift date is the key to identifying items under embargo. (but 
could easily be susceptible to false positives if you have a lot of people 
editing item metadata frequently)



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tonny Hjelmberg Laursen [mailto:thl....@cbs.dk]
> Sent: Thursday, 27 May 2010 6:44 a.m.
> To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Dspace-tech] How to show the user,that there are embargo on
> an item.
> The new embargo feature in version 1.6 is very needed, since 50% of the
> items we have in one of our arhcives are confidential.
> But I think we need to add a way, so the user can see theres embargo on
> an item. The user can only see it now, if they look at the date on the
> embargo field. I would like to hear how others have handled this? Have
> you changed the code, so it doesn't show the file, when theres an
> embargodate? have you created a "red lamp" or .....
> --
> Venlig hilsen | Kind Regards
> Tonny Hjelmberg Laursen
> Systemadministrator
> CBS Library IT
> Copenhagen Business School
> Solbjerg Plads 3 (D2.30), DK-2000 Frederiksberg
> Tel.: (+45) 3815 3697 | Mob.: (+45) 2427 3242 |thl....@cbs.dk
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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