
Try deploying your properties files straight to your dspace instance to 
see if they are working correctly;

1. /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/dspace/jspui/webapps/jspui/WEB-INF/classes 
(change the path to your unpacked dspace war path)

2. Restart tomcat

You could also check that the correct properties files are being 
deployed by checking the above path.



On 07/07/10 23:19, Michael White wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to edit some items in Messages.properties (and add some new ones) 
> for a new v1.6 development instance but I'm struggling to understand how to 
> get my updated Messages.properties file picked up by DSpace.
> I've done this in v1.4 before without problems, but I'm new to 1.6 and 
> struggling to get this to work. I've been through the manual and searched the 
> archives but nothing I'm trying is working so far - hopefully someone will be 
> able to see what I'm doing wrong and point me in the right direction!
> If I'm understanding correctly, I should:
> - put my updated Messages.properties file here: 
> /usr/src/dspace-1.6.2-src-release/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/resources
> - cd /usr/src/dspace-1.6.2-src-release/dspace/
> - run mvn package
> - cd /usr/src/dspace-1.6.2-src-release/dspace/target/dspace-1.6.2-build.dir
> - run ant -Dconfig=/usr/local/dspace/config/dspace.cfg update
> - stop tomcat, redeploy my WAR files, start tomcat
> However, after doing this, I don't see the modified text on the screen, and 
> I'm still seeing the "placeholder" labels, such as 
> ???metadata.dc.citation.peerreviewed???, all over the place (even though I've 
> now defined these in Messages.properties).
> I've also tried making the changes to Messages.properties directly at 
> /usr/src/dspace-1.6.2-src-release/dspace-api/src/main/resources/Messages.properties
>  (and rebuilding/redeploying), but to no avail.
> I have successfully modified some jsps using a local copy in 
> /usr/src/dspace-1.6.2-src-release/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp, so I 
> know that the mvn, ant, redeploy procedure works in general.
> Am I doing anything obviously wrong? If not, then are there any other 
> "gotchas" that I might be falling foul of?
> Any assistance very welcome!
> Cheers,
> Mike
> Michael White
> eLearning Developer
> eLearning Liaison&  Development (eLD)
> 3V3a, Cottrell
> University of Stirling
> Stirling SCOTLAND
> FK9 4LA
> Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk
> Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877
> Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880
> http://www.is.stir.ac.uk/aboutis/teams/aldt/eld.php

Hayden Young
Managing Director
Wijiti Pty Ltd
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