
Using JSP UI on v1.6.2 (recently migrated from v1.4.2) - I'm trying to edit 
Item Templates, but I'm getting an Internal Server Error whenever I click the 
"Edit" button to access an existing Item Template (all our Collections are 
created with templates in order to automatically populate a "type" attribute):

-- URL Was: https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/tools/edit-item?item_id=263
-- Method: GET
-- Parameters were:
-- item_id: "263"

        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)

I did a search on the DSpace tech archives but couldn't find anything - I also 
did a search in JIRA and turned up something that may be similar/related: 
https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-184 "NPE from Edit Collection, Item 
Template, Edit Authorizations" - however, this appears to be related to the 
XMLUI, relates to v1.5 and states that the issue was fixed in v1.6 - but as I 
can't even get into the item template, I'm not sure this is related!

I also had a poke around the database for things with "item_id=263" - when I 
look in the "item" table I see:

item_id  submitter_id  in_archive  withdrawn  last_modified               
263      NULL          FALSE       FALSE      2008-03-03 16:37:26.636+00  NULL

- I don't know if this is what this should look like, but it suggests to me 
(but I'm only guessing) that this item id does relate to a Collection (or an 
item template)?

- and looking at the Collection table, I see that the item with the 
"template_item_id=263" relates to the Collection in question (i.e. the one 
whose template I was trying to edit that caused the above error).

However, if I go to the "Items" section in the admin interface in the jsp ui, 
if I enter the item_id 263 into the "Internal ID" search box, when I try and 
find the item, I get a similar Internal Server Error:

-- URL Was: 
-- Method: GET
-- Parameters were:
-- handle: ""
-- submit: "Find"
-- item_id: "263"


- but, if I enter the handle for the collection that this item_id "belongs to" 
(as gleaned from the error when I try and edit that collections Item Template), 
which is 1893/213, I get (correctly) taken to a page that says:

"The ID you entered isnt a valid item ID. If you're trying to edit a community 
or collection, you need to use the communities/collections admin page."

- which seems like much better behaviour, and does suggest some kind of problem 
with resolving the item_id for a collection (or, more like, a misunderstanding 
on my part as to what is actually going on here :-) )?

I've also tried this with Collections copied over from v1.4.2 and new 
collections created in v1.6.2, but it fails in both cases.

I'm guessing this isn't a general problem, otherwise I would have found other 
reports, so it may relate to the fact that this is a new v1.6.2 installation, 
and I migrated over the database from v1.4.2 (by copying over the assetstore 
etc, wiping the v1.6 DB, and then restoring a pgdump from v1.4 DB into the v1.6 
DB and running the upgrade scripts)? Everything else (at least everything else 
that I've tested!) seems to be working as expected though . . .

Has anyone else encountered anything like this? Anyone have any suggestions how 
I can fix it or work around it? I'm fairly desperate to make these changes to 
the Item Templates, so any assistance very gratefully accepted!



Michael White 
Research Information System (RIS) Project
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 
Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk 
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

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