New Related question.
On the web interface you can specify a thumbnail for a bitstream.
Can you specify this in the contents file...for multiple bitstreams?

For example, in the contents file we have the following

I noticed that in the METS.xml for an item with a bitstream:bitstream_thumb
pair, there is something called a GroupID
And I believe this is how the two files are paired.
Is there any way to specify this?  Is it implied when you have consecutive
entries, where one is in the CONTENT bundle and the other is in the
I haven't seen anything to indicate this but I could have missed it.

Thanks Again,

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 14:29, Stuart Lewis <> wrote:

> Hi Joseph,
> > I know you can add a description to a bitstream when you upload it
> through the XMLUI
> > Can you do this when you do a batch upload using the CLI?
> > >dspace import
> Try adding :
>  - \tdescription: my description
> Other options are \tpermissions: and \tprimary:true
> > Also,
> > >dspace import -h
> > shows an option "-z" for a zip file.
> > The Documentation doesn't describe how to use this option, (or mention
> it)
> >
> > Does anyone have experience using this option?
> If you perform an export via the web user interface, it downloads as a zip
> file.  There is also a 'give this to me as a zip file' option in the CLI
> exporter.
> Inside the zip file is the normal import structure or directories 1.. / 2..
> / 3.. etc, each with metadata files and content files.  The zip option makes
> it easier to import these without first unzipping them.
> Thanks,
> Stuart Lewis
> Digital Development Manager
> Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
> Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
> Ph: +64 (0)9 373 7599 x81928
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