Thanks George,

> so what I did to (sort of) shut them down is simply remove the button from 
> the 
> Community, Collection and Item pages

OK - I had hoped that I could get rid of these via Configuration, but I'm 
guessing not :-( 

One problem I have is that one of our sys admins recently deleted the DSpace 
source code from my server (he thought he was helping to clear disk space, not 
realising that I have substantially customised our DSpace source code! Oh, and 
he deleted it from both DEV and PRODUCTION - don't ask!), so, until I have time 
to reconstruct my customised code I am a little handicapped in what I can do - 
I guess I could just update these JSPs in the expanded WAR file though (Yuck!) 
. . .



Michael White 
Research Management System (RMS) Project
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

-----Original Message-----
From: George S Kozak [] 
Sent: 28 November 2011 14:53
To: Michael White;
Subject: RE: Turning off SOLR stats


Our Solr Stats at Cornell University, also, began to give us troubles, so what 
I did to (sort of) shut them down is simply remove the button from the 
Community, Collection and Item pages.  That way, the Solr stats run in the 
background  but since no one is requesting any reports, the CPU usage is normal 
and we no longer have any problems.  I am not sure if this will be of help to 
you or whether you are using the XMLUI or JSPUI, but I found it fairly easy in 
the JSPUI to remove the buttons requesting statistics and can give you the 
exact lines to remove, if you want.

George Kozak
Digital Library Specialist
Cornell University Library Information Technologies (CUL-IT)
501 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael White [] 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 7:38 AM
Subject: [Dspace-tech] Turning off SOLR stats


Our SOLR stats have been flaky for a while but have now reached the point where 
they are bringing our server down, so I want to turn them off completely (until 
I can find time to work on it and get them working properly), but this doesn't 
seem as simple as I hoped it would be!

It was a long time ago that I set this up, so can't remember how I turned them 
on (and can't find anything specific in the documentation). I've tried a couple 
of things in dspace.cfg (e.g. commenting out "solr.log.server"), but, although 
this seems to have stopped the errors, I still see "LoggerUsageEventListener" 
lines in the logs, and the "View Statistics" button is still there (using 

Anyone have any pointers how to completely disable the SOLR stats (so that 
DSpace isn't trying to log events, and, perhaps more importantly, so that the 
"View Statistics" button disappears)?



Michael White
Research Management System (RMS) Project Information Services S8, Library 
University of Stirling Stirling SCOTLAND
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010 The University of 
Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,  number SC 011159.

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The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, 
 number SC 011159.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
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