Thanks again Helix84, i've created a new theme and rebuild everything and
it worked!

- create new theme (copied Mirage and changed name)

cp -r Mirage MyTheme
cd MyTheme

modified the following on sitemap.xmap:

<!-- <map:transform src="MyTheme.xsl"/> -->

mv Mirage.xsl MyTheme.xsl

vim ./lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl  (e.g. changed logo)
vim /home/dspace/dspace-1.8.2-src-release/dspace/config/xmlui.xconf :

and commented out the old theme and added:
<theme name="My Theme Theme" regex=".*" path="MyTheme/" />

cd /home/dspace/dspace-1.8.2-src-release/
mvn package
cd dspace/target/dspace-1.8.2-build/
ant update
cd /usr/local/dspace
cp -r webapps/* ../tomcat/webapps/

and the chages are effective, i suppose that when developing the changes
will be made directly on the webapp running and applied back to the source


On 6 December 2012 12:17, helix84 <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Alexander Kocisky
> <> wrote:
> > in particular i've seen that the modules are available in the
> > [dspace-source] path but also under [dspace-source]/dspace/modules, what
> is
> > the relation between these to versions?
> In my email I mentioned overlays. That's what the modules directory
> contains. It duplicates the module structure and anything that the
> overlay directory ([dspace-source]/dspace/modules/[module]) contains
> will replace what the stock module ([dspace-source]/[module])
> contains.
> That's why this is a good place to keep local Java modifications. I
> haven't tried putting a customized theme there, a different procedure
> is recommended for theme customization, with the goal of reducing
> headaches when upgrading:
> Just create a new theme (i.e a new directory) in the themes directory.
> Inside your theme import the contents of Mirage and overlay any
> templates you want. The rest of the templates will thus fall back to
> Mirage.
> <xsl:import href="../Mirage/Mirage.xsl"/>
> > i though that packaging the source will update also the modules in
> > [dspace-source]/dspace/modules, so this is what i've done:
> >
> > [root@repository dspace-xmlui]# pwd
> > /home/dspace/dspace-1.8.2-src-release/dspace-xmlui
> >
> > vim
> >
> ./dspace-xmlui-webapp/src/main/webapp/themes/Mirage/lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl
> > changed: <span id="ds-header-logo-text">mirage</span> to <span
> > id="ds-header-logo-text"></span>
> > mvn package
> No, it doesn't work like that in Java (Maven). You can't expect to
> build an individual module. You have to build from [dspace-source],
> not from a module directory. I know it takes forever, I also have a
> problem with that.
> You have only 2 options, full build and quick build, and they should
> be used exactly as described in the Building DSpace link I sent you.
> In case quick build behaves strangely, you know you have to use full build.
> >
> dspace/modules/xmlui/target/xmlui-1.8.2/themes/Mirage/lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl
> >
> > so i've modified that file but after the "mvn package" it's restored from
> > the original, and it's not coming from:
> Ignore the target directory, just like you ignore .o files when you're
> compiling C code. It's only a temporary location for compiled code.
> This is the grep command I generally use:
> grep -RnI --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=target 'foo' *
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
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