Hi Luis,
 a basic test list
  1. From a browser, check ttah the other applications are up and running (jspui, solr, oai....) in case they are not active,  there is a problem of general application deployment
  2. Check that the directory webapps/xmlui   has contents and is configured in server.xml ... Depending your deployment method, there must be a line similar to.... <Context path="/xmlui" docBase=".......\webapps\xmlui" debug="0" reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false" allowLinking="true"></Context>
  3. Connect to the Tomcat console and see if you can restart the xmlui application.Sometimes a restart can suffice
Emilio Lorenzo

El 17/04/2013 16:33, Luis Rojas C. (CATIE) escribió:

Hi again, after allthe instalation steps, i get the folloing error when trying to access dspace in apache tom cat:


HTTP Status 404 - /xmlui

type Status report

message /xmlui

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.37


Thanks again


Mag. Luis A. Rojas Calderón

Ing. de Sistemas (Analista Programador)
Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton IICA/CATIE

CATIE 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica
Tel. (506) 2558-2639

Fax (506) 2556-0757


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