On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 2:00 PM, LifeH2O <life...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok. Then is it possible to select authors from all existing
> dc.contributor.author ?
> User can always enter incorrect name for dc.contributor.author,
> dc.contributor.advisor etc. We want name to be suggested from existing
> metadata elements.

You could try something like this:

SELECT *FROM metadatavalueWHERE metadata_field_id IN (
  SELECT metadata_field_id
  FROM metadatafieldregistry
  WHERE element = 'contributor'
  AND qualifier = 'author')

Notice the text_value column, that's where the strings are. When using
authority control, the authority identifier will be in the authority column
and there will also be a confidence value.

> I have seen choice authority system but unable to make it work like my
> understanding.
> I'll ask it on dspace-devel if you still cannot help.

IMHO, the authority system is currently the best way to make the connection
between epersons and authors (because of the lack of an author object).
What kind of problem did you have with making it work?


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