On 3 September 2013 14:02, helix84 <heli...@centrum.sk> wrote:

> the fact that this was possible indicates an error in our workflow and
> needs to be fixed. Please, create a Jira issue with steps to reproduce
> the problem.

I haven't seen this problem before, and the handle table doesn't seem to
have any other incidences of this. Also, this was submitted over a year
ago, so that would have been a different version of DSpace, Tomcat, etc.
I'm hoping the problem cannot be reproduced!

> There should be no problem if you delete all but one of the rows from
> the handle table. The only implication will be that the other handles
> do not point to the item, of course. It should have no effects outside
> the affected item.

Thanks, Ivan; I'll go ahead and delete the extra rows.

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