Please, always write to dspace-tech, never directly to me.

We'll need the relevant portion of your dspace.log (from the time of
the import). catalina.out doesn't contain this information.


Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Bhavesh Patel
<> wrote:
> Dear helix84,
> I need your help to resolve one issue in DSpace.
> Currently, We have DSpace 3.1 into our live website.. And I have install 3.2
> into other system.
> Now, When I logged in DSpace admin and try to upload the file then it's
> uploading perfect.. (Into new fresh database)..
> Now, I have export the live Repository (having DSpace3.1) database and make
> one new database and import that live database.
> Now When I login and try to upload the file then It will not able to
> upload..
>  It's showing me the following error :
> Internal System Error
> The system has experienced an internal error. Please try to do what you were
> doing again, and if the problem persists, please contact us so we can fix
> the problem.
> ----------------------
> Before DSpace 3.1 I have already install 3.2 and it having the same issue..
> Into Local database it's working fine..but when I import and switch to live
> database then it's not uploading..
> I have also attached the catalina.out log file..
> Please let me know what may be the issue ?
> Thanks,
> Bhavesh Patel

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