I am not entirely sure what to post where yet.  I tried asking on dspace-devel 
but did not hear back.
Maybe somebody on dspace-tech has on opinion/tip

On Feb 27, 2014, at 11:55 AM, Monika C. Mevenkamp 
<moni...@princeton.edu<mailto:moni...@princeton.edu>> wrote:

We use dspace-1.8  with  custom code that I would like to simplify

Here is what we would like to achieve in terms of behavior:

  *   administrators authenticate via org.dspace.authenticate.CASAuthentication
  *   bitstreams in some collections are restricted by network IPs; we use 
  *   bitstreams in other collections are completely open access
  *   we do not ever want users with the ‘wrong’ IP address to be prompted for 
login via an explicit authentication mechanism
  *   we do not anticipate ever restricting bitstreams such that users will 
authenticate via an explicit mechanism

I looked around the code and noticed that the authentication manager offers 
authenticateImplicit() and authenticate().   If item,collection,community pages 
would trigger authenticateImplicit and admin pages authenticate, I believe 
we’ll end up with the behaviour described above.

So the obvious questions here:

  1.  am I right ?
  2.  where  do I need to change the code ? I envision a setting in dspace.cfg  
(either global or collection/community specific) that could be used in a few 
strategically placed if statements


Monika Mevenkamp
phone: 609-258-4161
Lewis Library,Washington Road and Ivy Lane, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 

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