Hi Kevin,

On 06/03/14 05:59, Evans, Kevin wrote:

We are experiencing an issue in how an item is displayed. If an Alternative Title is submitted (dc.title.alternative) then this overrides the Title (dc.title) and displays the Alternative Title as the page title for an Item.


I have analysed the template.xsl, and the dspace.cfg but with no joy.

You will probably just need to change a bunch of

dim:field[@mdschema='dc' and @element='title']


dim:field[@mdschema='dc' and @element='title' and not(@qualifier)]

but this depends on your theme. What theme are you using / what standard theme is the basis for your customisations?

Dr Andrea Schweer
IRR Technical Specialist, ITS Information Systems
The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

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