Dear Andrea,

Thanks for your help. Your active involvement in DSpace-CRIS will surely
bring the DSPACE-CRIS to the next level.

For PMC - I am now trying to follow your instruction on it.
For Stats - I have reinstall the OS from fresh and git clone again for
Trigger CRIS entities will have following lines logged in dspace.log;
solr.log is kept at 0 bytes.

2014-07-08 10:33:41,362 INFO  org.dspace.browse.BrowseEngine @
2014-07-08 10:33:45,998 ERROR
org.dspace.statistics.SolrLoggerUsageEventListener @
2014-07-08 10:34:08,881 WARN
2014-07-08 10:34:08,969 WARN

Alexander Wong.

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 8:38 PM, Pascarelli Luigi Andrea <> wrote:

> In regards to PMC, you have to build solr core for pmc (check if into your
> solr instance there is pmc core configurations). Download the csv file from
> pubmed
> After that try to run this script (you need a basic experience with the
> shell script and the curl tool):
> split -d -l 50000 <file.pmc.csv> split_files.
> for file in `ls split_files.*`
> do
> curl 'http://<host:port>/solr/pmc/update?update.contentType=
> text/csv&fieldnames=,,,,,,,DOI,PMCID,PMID,,' -H 'Content-type:text/csv;
> charset=utf-8' --data-binary @$file;
> done
> The script split the csv file in n files to avoid problem due to the max
> upload limit on your server and send it to your solr to ingest it. Tune it
> with your need. Good luck :-)
> After that launch the main script at 
> with "-x 0" parameter, this query pmc to retrieve the actual count and
> citation informations.
> After all launch (with no
> params) to retrieve pmc/pmid identifier for items that have a doi.
> Hope this help. Let me know.
> Luigi Andrea Pascarelli
> Il 07/07/2014 11:50, Andrea Bollini ha scritto:
>  Hi Alexander,
>> I'm out-of-office these days I'm sure that Luigi will reply with
>> information about the script need to update the pmc count.
>> There are two script one is able to retrieve pmc/pmid identifier for
>> items that have a doi, the other query pmc to retrieve the actual count and
>> citation information.
>> About the statistics you need to look to the solr log files. When you hit
>> a researcher page do you see an insert on  solr (call to the /update
>> handler?). What if you hit an item page?
>> Andrea
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