Hi, Nason, did you ever configure Tomcat to run as the DSpace user? What are 
you using for a service init script?


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 1, 2014, at 1:52 PM, "Nason Bimbe" 
<nasonbi...@gmail.com<mailto:nasonbi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I am still having the same problem. I have made sure dspace is the owner of all 
files and I am also using dspace user to build the DSpace. I am running Debian 

This is how Tomcat was installed
- downloaded, copied  Tomact 7 files into /usr/local, created a symbolic link
mv /home/dspace/Downloads/apache-tomcat-7.0.54 /usr/local
unlink tomcat
ln -s apache-tomcat-7.0.54 tomcat
- made sure that tomcat folder is owned by the dspace user
cd /usr/local
chown -R dspace:dspace apache-tomcat-7.0.54
- restarted tomcat
/etc/init.d/tomcat restart
- checked if tomcat is running and is running ok

This the change I  made to the top level POM as advised by Bram by adding scope 


On 1 September 2014 00:38, Pottinger, Hardy J. 
<pottinge...@missouri.edu<mailto:pottinge...@missouri.edu>> wrote:

Peter is right, you can ignore the info line. You probably have a permission 
issue. How did you install and start Tomcat? What OS are you using?


Sent from my Zact Mobile phone.

Peter Dietz <pe...@longsight.com<mailto:pe...@longsight.com>> wrote:

Hmm, I don't know what's wrong in this case. Check your logs further back for a 
line that starts with ERROR, the INFO line might not be too much to worry about.

When you built the DSpace 4 code, I would try mvn -U clean package.
Also, double check that your tomcat/dspace user is the owner of all the files.

Peter Dietz
p: 740-599-5005 x809

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Nason Bimbe 
<nasonbi...@gmail.com<mailto:nasonbi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I have upgraded the dspace from 3.1 to 4.2 but when I try to access XMLUI 
webapp I get a 404. Checking the Tomcat manager shows that xmlui webapp is not 
running but the rest are, that is oai and solr. When I try to start the webapp 
in Tomcat manager I get a FAIL error (FAIL - Application at contect path /xmlui 
could not be started).

The dspace logs to not show any errors but the catalina out shows the 

Aug 29, 2014 2:16:01 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader 
validateJarFile(/usr/local/dspace/webapps/xmlui/WEB-INF/lib/jsp-api-2.1.jar) - 
jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 3.0, section 10.7.2. Offending class: 
Aug 29, 2014 2:16:12 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternal
SEVERE: Error listenerStart
Aug 29, 2014 2:16:12 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternal
SEVERE: Context [/xmlui] startup failed due to previous errors

The platform I am using has: -
OS: Debian Wheezy
Java: 1.7.0_65 (OpenJDK)
Tomcat: 7.0.54
Maven: 3.2.1

Has anyone encountered this problem or does anyone know a solution or where I 
am going wrong?


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