Hi, I am just sending a quick reminder, the DSpace 5.0 Testathon is going on 
right now, and will continue through November 21, 2014.


Details on how to participate: see [1]

Details about new features, bug fixes in 5.0 and release schedule: see [2]


This is also the time to send us your translations of DSpace 5.0 
(Messages_xx.properties and messages_xx.xml files). Both new and updated 
translations are welcome. When updating translations, please try to contact the 
previous translator first to avoid possible duplication of work.

You may send translations at any time, but to make them easily available to 
others via the DSpace build process, try to send them before the 5.0 release 
date, tentatively scheduled for December 15.

To send a translation, register/log in to Jira [3], file a new issue (e.g. 
"Updated French translation") and attach the files to that issue.

You can find the latest English version of these files here: [4] [5]


 [1] https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+Release+5.0+Testathon+Page
 [2] https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+Release+5.0+Status
 [3] https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS

From: Peter Dietz [pe...@longsight.com]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 4:43 PM
To: Pottinger, Hardy J.
Cc: dspace-tech
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace 5.0 Testathon begins Nov 10, 2014 -- Users / 
Feedback wanted

Hi All,

As Hardy mentioned, DSpace 5 Test-a-Thon has begun, so if you have a feature, 
bug-fix, or regression that you are looking or not looking for, please look or 
not-look for it on the DSpace Demo site, which has been updated to the latest 

So. demo.dspace.org<http://demo.dspace.org> is the official place to try out 
DSpace 5.

I've also stood up a TryDSpace5 instance hosted by 
Longsight<http://www.longsight.com/>: http://trydspace5.longsight.com/
You can also find jspui at: http://trydspace5.longsight.com/jspui/

If for reference, you need access to a site running DSpace 4, you can look at: 

One of the new features of DSpace 5 that I'm most excited about is the CRUD 
additions to the REST API, so I have a rest client demo app pointing to the 
TryDSpace5 (Longsight) rest api: 
You can use the same site-admin account that you could use at 

I've also enabled the PDF Citation Coverpage at: 

If there is something that you would like to test on either site, please 
contact me, the dspace-tech list, or pop in to #dspace IRC, developers standing 

Also, a little "meta" on the DSpace 5 release candidate. We (Hardy) released 
DSpace 5 RC1 over the weekend. We are going to quickly release an RC2 tonight, 
based on some of our findings. But keep on testing sites, or test it yourself 
on a local clone/build of the code.

Thanks All!

Peter Dietz
p: 740-599-5005 x809

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Pottinger, Hardy J. 
<pottinge...@missouri.edu<mailto:pottinge...@missouri.edu>> wrote:
>From Hardy Pottinger, DSpace 5.0 Release Team Member

The first Release Candidate for DSpace 5.0 will be made available for testing 
on November 6, 2014.
Some new features of interest include:

For all UIs:

 * Batch import from Zip files uploaded via the admin interface of either UI
 * Easier Database upgrades, thanks to the inclusion of Flyway, an open-source 
database migration tool
 * A feature-complete REST API, supporting both read and write operations
 * Linked (Open) Data support
 * Metadata for all DSpace Objects
 * Improved thumbnail generation (via ImageMagick/Ghostscript)
 * Google Analytics integration now tracks "downloads" of bitstreams
 * A place to add third-party plugins

For JSPUI only:
 * HTML5-based drag and drop upload interface for uploading bitstreams during 
 * Per-item configurable visual indicators for browse and search results

For XMLUI only:
 * Mirage2 theme, utilizing many modern web design tools and technologies, 
facilitating a "responsive" web design, adapting to any screen size
 * ORCID integration via an authority plugin, and a new authority cache
 * Serpa/Romeo lookup
 * Rendering MathML code in abstracts
 * Error pages (including page not found) are all styled with your own site 
 * Collection drop down box performance improvements for repositories with a 
large number of collections
 * (Optional) ability to generate citation cover pages on PDFs
 * An aspect for adding Google Analytics web usage information to item pages

There's much more. Please see full list on the Release Status page at:



Hi, sorry to shout at you, but now that we have your attention, please do plan 
on testing the release candidates of DSpace 5.0 on your own infrastructure. 
We'd like to minimize the surprises on the day that 5.0 is officially released, 
and the best way to do that is with your help. If at all possible, please 
consider testing DSpace 5.0, to ensure it is compatible with Oracle. Ideally, 
this would mean testing a new install, and an upgrade. Thanks!

We've really improved our Oracle testing capabilities during this release 
process, and that's something that makes me particularly proud. But, setting 
pride aside, we still need your help to test DSpace 5.0.


If you are willing to translate DSpace message catalogs into another language: 
the 5.0 catalogs should be nearly stable now.


We plan to tag RC1 on Thursday November 6, 2014.  There will be another 
announcement when it is ready for download. If you would like to try out the 
next release of DSpace in your own test environment, please do, and tell us 
what you find.

The 5.0 Testathon begins on Monday, Nov. 10, 2014 and continues through Nov. 
21.  RC1 will be available on http://demo.dspace.org. You can try it out 
without installing your own instance, and your feedback would be appreciated. 
Look for the red Feedback button to report issues with the demo site.

As always, if you really want to get your hands dirty, you can spin up your own 
testing instance of DSpace using Vagrant-DSpace: 

The actual use of a software product is always more varied and surprising than 
the developers and maintainers imagined.  Please help us ensure that DSpace 5.0 
will do what you expect. Thanks!
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