
I've gotten this working. For others that may be interested, I followed Tim
Donohue's recommendation of adding a line into the DSpaceMETSIngester.java
file, circa line 92:



String userDmd = null;

        //JG 2015-04-27: Set primary mets:dMd type to PROQUEST. Forces
Ethesis deposits to
        // be ingested using ProQuest's proprietary metadata instead of
        // deposits will not find PROQUEST in the METS so will go through
the usual decision
        //  making process.

        params.addProperty("dmd", "PROQUEST");  // add this line 

        if (params != null)
            userDmd = params.getProperty("dmd");

I renamed the class to DSpaceMETSIngester1.java

Edited DSpace.cfg:

crosswalk.submission.PROQUEST.stylesheet =
crosswalks/sword-proquest-ingest.xsl   <---added this line
mets.default.ingest.crosswalk.PROQUEST = PROQUEST    <---added this line
plugin.named.org.dspace.content.packager.PackageIngester = \
  org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceAIPIngester = AIP, \
  org.dspace.content.packager.PDFPackager  = Adobe PDF, PDF, \
  org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceMETSIngester1 = METS, \  <----edited
this line
  org.dspace.content.packager.RoleIngester = DSPACE-ROLES

Rebuilt DSpace and now it imports EPDCX metadata for standard METS files,
and ProQuest's proprietary metadata standard for ETDs sent via SWORD from
ProQuest, which contain both EPDCX and the ProQuest metadata in separate
<dmdSec> elements.

FYI for anyone testing SWORD looking for a client, CURL is the way to go,

curl -i --data-binary "@sword-2015-04-17(1).original.zip" -H
"Content-Disposition: filename=sword-2015-04-17(1).original.zip" -H
"Content-Type: application/zip" -H "X-Packaging:
http://purl.org/net/sword-types/METSDSpaceSIP"; -u


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Greene [mailto:joseph.gre...@ucd.ie] 
Sent: 27 April 2015 10:00
To: 'Tim Donohue'
Subject: RE: [Dspace-tech] SWORD METS ingest -- specify primary dmdSec

Thanks Tim, I thought I'd need to modify DSpaceMETSIngester.java -- thanks
for the tip. I need to keep SWORD using the METS ingester because our CRIS
sends us deposits using EPDCX. Now I'm looking at adding SWORD deposits for
e-theses from ProQuest, who have a proprietary dMd type, following a
rudimentary EPDCX dMd in the same mets.

I'll give it a go and report back to the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Donohue [mailto:tdono...@duraspace.org]
Sent: 24 April 2015 20:01
To: Joseph Greene; dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] SWORD METS ingest -- specify primary dmdSec

Hi Joseph,

That "dmd" param can be passed via the commandline using the 'dspace
packager' command (e.g. './dspace packager -t METS -o dmd=MODS').  You can
see this parameter as an option if you type this on the commandline:

./dspace packager -t METS -h

It can also be specified programmatically using the "PackageParameters" 
class. That's what the .getProperty("dmd") call is referencing in
DSpaceMETSIngester here:

Unfortunately though, it looks like there's no way to currently tweak this
via SWORD.  SWORD initializes its own PackageParameter settings here but
doesn't include anything for "dmd":

So, the only way (that I can see) to tweak this for SWORD, would be to add
some custom Java code to the SWORDMETSIngester.  Something along the lines


The only other option would be to change the
"mets-ingester.package-ingester" for SWORD to use "AIP" format as the
ingester (though I'm not sure how well that'd work). The AIP ingester
defaults to using "DIM" first, then MODS, while the METS ingester looks for
MODS first, then simple Dublin Core.

- Tim

On 4/24/2015 11:40 AM, Joseph Greene wrote:
> Hi,
> I've seen in the documentation that it's possible to specify which 
> metadata section in the METS file gets used in a sword ingest  (in 
> org.dspace.content.packagerDSpaceMETSIngester). I also came across 
> this, which describes its genesis:
> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-386
> I've seen calls to getProperty("dmd") but I don't know where that 'dmd'
> property resides -- dspace.cfg? another class calling DSpaceMETSIngester?
> Psychic waves?
> Does anyone know how to set the primary <dmdSec>?
> On DSpace 1.8.2, SWORD server 1.0.
> Many thanks,
> Joseph
> Joseph Greene
> Research Repository Librarian
> James Joyce Library
> University College Dublin
> (353 0)1 716 7398
> joseph.gre...@ucd.ie
> http://researchrepository.ucd.ie
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