On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 03:11:36PM +0530, Code 2 dogears wrote:
> I am new to dspace. I am retrieving values from dspace metadatavalue table.
> One think I don't understand is resource_type_id in metadatavalue table.
> Resource_type_id has specific values. It has value 3 for coleection name
> and its description, 0 for bitstreams etc

You can find those in dspace-api:org.dspace.core.Constants:
Constants.BITSTREAM, Constants.ITEM, etc.  It refers to the type of
object, and qualifies the resource_id.  (Each subclass of DSpaceObject
is persisted in its own table and has its own sequence of object IDs,
so one must specify both type and ID to uniquely identify an object.)

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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