I know this may not be the best measure, but you can synchronize MySQL
databases across servers.
On 4/8/2015 1:32 AM, Орхан Касумов wrote:
> Good day.
> Still working on SPAM filtering system described previously in an
> attempt to add redundancy/failover capabilities to it.
> What I did is: on each IMAP server, local DSPAM instance now works as
> server IN ADDITION to being called as client.
> These local DSPAM servers are not used for initial spam filtering
> (it's done by dedicated DSPAM servers between the SMTP servers and
> IMAP servers),
> they will only be used for Spam/Innocent reclassification purposes
> (they connect to the same MySQL database as dedicated DSPAM servers).
> Intended behavior is: no matter which IMAP server a user is connected
> to, when the user drags a mail from "Inbox" folder to "DSPAM" folder,
> 1) on IMAP server, Dovecot calls local DSPAM as a client,
> 2) then DSPAM client talks to local DSPAM server,
> 3) then DSPAM server talks to MySQL server to reclassify the message.
> The problem is, due to either incorrect arguments passed by Dovecot's
> antispam plugin, or some missing setting in local dspam.conf,
> local DSPAM server on IMAP server can't properly talk to MySQL: user
> is not found is MySQL database because the path is incorrect:
> (DSPAM debug output fragment)
> input args: dspam --client --source=error --signature=<some value>
> --class=innocent
> processing user orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz
> uid = 0, euid = 0, gid = 0, egid = 0
> loading preferences for user orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz
> default preferences empty. reverting to dspam.conf preferences.
> -> found attribute 'Home' with value '/var/db/dspam'
> -> read attribute 'Home' with value '/var/db/dspam'
> using /var/db/dspam/opt-in/orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz.dspam as path
> using /var/db/dspam/opt-out/orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz.nodspam as path
> _mysql_drv_getpwnam: returning NULL for query on name:
> orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz
> _mysql_drv_set_spamtotals: unable to
> _mysql_drv_getpwnam(orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz)
> Please advise, what arguments could be passed by Dovecot's antispam
> plugin, so that the path for a user is not constructed as:
> /var/db/dspam/opt-in/orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz.dspam
> but constructed as:
> /<mail storage
> directory>/<example.xyz>/<orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz>?
> <mailto:orkhan.gasi...@example.xyz%3E?>
> Am I missing something obvious?
> Thanks in advance for attention!
> Вторник, 31 марта 2015, 11:19 -05:00 от "k...@rice.edu" <k...@rice.edu>:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 06:53:24PM +0300, Орхан Касумов wrote:
> > The problem is, I can't achieve full redundancy and avoid the
> single point of failure.
> > Currently my setup consists of all separate VMs grouped in two
> chains:
> >
> > MX1=> DSPAM1 => IMAP1
> > MX2=> DSPAM2 => IMAP2
> >
> > Any node in one chain can inter-operate with any NEXT node in
> its own or the other chain,
> > so, there's no single point of failure when it comes to message
> delivery, BUT...
> >
> > A single point of failure still exists when it comes to DSPAM
> training. DSPAM client on each IMAP VM
> > interacts with only one DSPAM server specified as "ClientHost
> <IP address>" in dspam.conf.
> > If that DSPAM server is unavailable, the training won't work.
> >
> > However, in the same dspam.conf file, the database server can be
> specified by providing a DNS name,
> > and the DNS name can then resolve to several IP addresses for
> failover purposes. The problem is, DSPAM server
> > listening on some port uses the "auto" mode to accept both
> standard LMTP messages from MX servers and
> > DSPAM-specific LMTP messages from DSPAM client. But MySQL server
> listens on a dedicated port
> > only for MySQL-specific messages. This is the most confusing
> part for me: how can DSPAM client inter-operate
> > with MySQL server to do training?
> >
> > My colleague who offered this idea (unfortunately, he can't help
> me with configs personally)
> > says he did that before using some "training mode" setting in
> the standard dspam.conf file. Is it possible?
> > Can DSPAM client talk MySQL language to MySQL server (for
> "Spam"/"Innocent" reclassification purposes)
> > by changing some setting in the dspam.conf file?
> >
> Use mail alias based training to avoid the single-point of failure.
> Regards,
> Ken
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