
I hope that someone can help me.

It really doesn't look like my retraining is working. My guess is  
that I have something wrong in a config somewhere. However, I have  
been working on this for months and still have not been able to solve  
the problem.

agnus: {420} grep -v ^# /usr/local/etc/dspam/dspam.conf | grep -v ^$
Home /var/dspam
TrustedDeliveryAgent "/usr/local/bin/procmail"
OnFail unlearn
Trust root
Trust dspam
Trust apache
Trust mail
Trust mailnull
Trust smmsp
Trust daemon
Trust nobody
TrainingMode toe
TestConditionalTraining on
Feature noise
Feature whitelist
Feature tb=5
Algorithm graham burton
Tokenizer osb
PValue bcr
WebStats on
ImprobabilityDrive on
Preference "trainingMode=TOE"           # { TOE | TUM | TEFT |  
NOTRAIN } -> default:teft
Preference "spamAction=quarantine"      # { quarantine | tag |  
deliver } -> default:quarantine
Preference "spamSubject=[SPAM]"         # { string } -> default:[SPAM]
Preference "statisticalSedation=5"      # { 0 - 10 } -> default:0
Preference "enableBNR=on"               # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "enableWhitelist=on"         # { on | off } -> default:on
Preference "signatureLocation=message"  # { message | headers } ->  
Preference "tagSpam=on"                 # { on | off }
Preference "tagNonspam=off"             # { on | off }
Preference "showFactors=off"            # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "optIn=off"                  # { on | off }
Preference "optOut=off"                 # { on | off }
Preference "whitelistThreshold=10"      # { Integer } -> default:10
Preference "makeCorpus=off"             # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "storeFragments=off"         # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "localStore="                # { on | off } ->  
Preference "processorBias=on"           # { on | off } -> default:on
Preference "fallbackDomain=off"         # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "trainPristine=off"          # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "optOutClamAV=off"           # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "ignoreRBLLookups=off"       # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "RBLInoculate=off"           # { on | off } -> default:off
Preference "notifications=off"          # { on | off } -> default:off
AllowOverride enableBNR
AllowOverride enableWhitelist
AllowOverride fallbackDomain
AllowOverride ignoreGroups
AllowOverride ignoreRBLLookups
AllowOverride localStore
AllowOverride makeCorpus
AllowOverride optIn
AllowOverride optOut
AllowOverride optOutClamAV
AllowOverride processorBias
AllowOverride RBLInoculate
AllowOverride showFactors
AllowOverride signatureLocation
AllowOverride spamAction
AllowOverride spamSubject
AllowOverride statisticalSedation
AllowOverride storeFragments
AllowOverride tagNonspam
AllowOverride tagSpam
AllowOverride trainPristine
AllowOverride trainingMode
AllowOverride whitelistThreshold
AllowOverride dailyQuarantineSummary
AllowOverride notifications
HashRecMax              98317
HashAutoExtend          on
HashMaxExtents          0
HashExtentSize          49157
HashPctIncrease         10
HashMaxSeek             10
HashConnectionCache     10
ExtLookup               on                              # Turns on/ 
off external lookup
ExtLookupMode           map                             # available  
modes are 'verify', 'map' and 'strict'.
                                                         # 'strict'  
enforces both verify and map
ExtLookupDriver         program                         # Currently  
only ldap and program are supported.
                                                         # There are  
plans to support both MySQL and Postgres.
ExtLookupServer         "/usr/local/bin/dspam_extlookup -u %u -f /etc/ 
                                                         # an  
executable lookup program and its arguments.
                                                         # and  
ExtLookupMode 'map' or 'strict'
Notifications   off
TxtDirectory /var/dspam/txt
PurgeSignatures 14      # Stale signatures
PurgeNeutral    90      # Tokens with neutralish probabilities
PurgeUnused     90      # Unused tokens
PurgeHapaxes    30      # Tokens with less than 5 hits (hapaxes)
PurgeHits1S     15      # Tokens with only 1 spam hit
PurgeHits1I     15      # Tokens with only 1 innocent hit
SystemLog       on
UserLog         on
Opt out
ParseToHeaders on
ChangeModeOnParse on
ChangeUserOnParse full
MaxMessageSize 2097152
ServerQueueSize 32
ServerPID               /var/run/dspam/dspam.pid
ServerMode auto
ServerPass.Relay1       "secret"
ServerParameters        "--deliver=innocent -d %u"
ServerIdent             "localhost.localdomain"
ServerDomainSocketPath  "/var/dspam/dspam.sock"
ClientHost      /var/dspam/dspam.sock
ClientIdent     "secret@Relay1"
ProcessorURLContext on
ProcessorBias on
StripRcptDomain off
GroupConfig /var/dspam/group

agnus: {421} cat /etc/postfix/aliases
#dspam retraining
retrain-as-ham:                 "|'/usr/local/bin/dspam' --user  
'root' --class=innocent --source=error --mode=toe"
retrain-as-spam:                "|'/usr/local/bin/dspam' --user  
'root' --class=spam --source=error --mode=toe"

agnus: {423} cat /usr/local/etc/procmailrc
# dspam filtering:
| /usr/local/bin/dspam --mode=toe --process --stdout -- 
deliver=spam,innocent --username antispam --client

# kick out spam
* ^X-DSPAM-Result: Spam
         * ^X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0\.(9|8[5-9])


I run: "ccsclean /var/dspam/data/antispam/antispam.css" at least once  
a day.

If I run: "cat spam.msg | /usr/local/bin/dspam --user antispam -- 
class=spam --source=error" on messages that have already been filter  
by dspam.  This will work for a while. I can retrain a few hundred  
emails. Then I start getting segmentation fault.

If I run: "cat innocent.msg | /usr/local/bin/dspam --user antispam -- 
class=innocent --source=error" I get a segmentation fault right from  
the start even if I removed /var/dspam/data/antispam and redid corpus  

If I change the command to "cat innocent.msg | /usr/local/bin/dspam -- 
mode=teft --user antispam --class=innocent --source=error" then it  
works, but after a few hours the daemon process will crash.

Also, I tried using dspam-retrain-forward.pl

agnus: {427} more /etc/postfix/master.cf
# Dspam retaining transport
dspam-retrain unix - n n - - pipe flags=XRu user=dspam argv=/usr/ 
    --user ${sender}

But it doesn't log anything and it crashes the dspam daemon.

I know that I have something wrong, but I just can't seem to find it.  
Any ideas?

Also, how should retraining be done?


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