On Jun 12, 2015, at 8:37 AM, k...@rice.edu wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 04:03:53PM -0400, Al Zick wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can't understand why dspam does some of the things it does.
>> First, can someone verify for me that there is a retraining issue
>> with dspam if using a hash driver with toe?
>> Second, filtering doesn't work if I am using an extlookup. It may
>> work for a while, but then all messages will be marked as innocent. I
>> have checked and the extlookup works when I run it from the command
>> line.
>> Third, when using an extlookup, should dspam log it as the user
>> specified by the extlookup script? It logs it as the system user if
>> called from procmail, or the email address if called from postfix.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Al
> Hi Al,
> I do not have any experience with the hash driver since it targets
> the single-user use case. Any of the SQL based drivers work very
> well. Also, we submit Email to DSPAM via LMTP directly from postfix
> and again it is very stable. We do use a procmail delivery process
> for local delivery to a small number of accounts and again it works
> well. The recipes for these in the documentation do work. One thing
> you may want to try is using one of the DSPAM milters. I hope some
> of this helps.
> Regards,
> Ken

Hi Ken,

I have figured why when passing email to dspam via LMTP it was  
creating a problem. Dspam was passing the emails back into postfix on  
the wrong IP /port, then postfix would pass it back to dspam for  
filtering. So, I have made some progress. However, I was not able to  
get dspam to compile with mysql driver support. In the mean time, I  
created the database with: cat dspam_training/spam/new/781097.emlx |  
dspam --user antispam --class=spam --source=corpus --deliver=summar

I then ran:
dspam_train antispam --client dspam_training/spam/new dspam_training/ 

Still, I am trying to find a way to make dspam compile with mysql  

Kind Regards,

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