
I'm using DSPAM 3.10.2-r1 on Gentoo AMD64 with postfix 3.0.1-r1 and 
dovecot 2.2.18 with virtual domains and users.
This setup worked fine for a few years (same on my personal server) and 
then, every email failed with the error Recipient address rejected: 
Access denied after going through DSPAM, like the user wouldn't exist 

Here's the way an incoming mail follow :
Postfix -> DSPAM -> Postfix -> OpenDKIM -> Dovecot -> user mailbox

I found out that if I remove DSPAM from the way, it works fine again, 
but i'm not satisfied with this solution.
DSPAM worked really fine with spam and i want to keep it this way.

I checked this conf against the one on my own server and I didn't find 
anything (same software and configuration but using ubuntu 14.04).

First, some logs from DSPAM (the signature given exists in the database, 
and access is fine, i'm kinda worried about the ^M, looks like a line 
break issue) :

Then, my configuration :

Any idea ?

Thanks :)

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