On Wed, 2015-07-22 at 17:48 -0700, waterdog wrote:

> The dspam_stats for this user don't look too good even after multiple
> training attempts:
>                 TP True Positives:                     0
>                 TN True Negatives:                    4
>                 FP False Positives:                    2353
>                 FN False Negatives:                  1947
>                 SC Spam Corpusfed:                 0
>                 NC Nonspam Corpusfed:           0
>                 TL Training Left:                        143

You can see from this line that it needs to receive another 143
messages before it is out of training. It requires about 2500 messages
before it flips a switch. I can't remember what switch but it flips

When I setup myself years ago, I found a corpus of spam, and I fed it
my entire mailbox + the spam. Now you can see my stats years later:

                TP True Positives:                  3354
                TN True Negatives:                239849
                FP False Positives:                 1448
                FN False Negatives:                  981
                SC Spam Corpusfed:                     0
                NC Nonspam Corpusfed:                  0
                TL Training Left:                      0
                SHR Spam Hit Rate                 77.37%
                HSR Ham Strike Rate:               0.60%
                PPV Positive predictive value:    69.85%
                OCA Overall Accuracy:             99.01%

You don't have enought data for dpsam do reliably do anything.
Retraining one message as spam will *not* automatically get it to be
classified as spam on the *next* classification.

Watch the numbers in your stats which says whether training is
occuring. If you have a false negative (ham as spam), train it and you
should see the FN increment. If it does dspam is working as expected.

The other implied part of your question is 'Why isn't dspam effective
yet?'. Which is partly due to the amount of mail you've received so
far, the type of spam, and the dspam settings. I used to setup people
with TEFT as those were the recommendations and I think the default.
Over the years I've seen it mentioned on this list multiple times that
you should use TOE by default.

I also use 

Algorithm graham burton
Tokeninzer osb

because of users of this list back in the day explaining that they were
better defaults.

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