
Dspam has not tagged these messages as spam. They are in my inbox.

It is catching some spam, but not a lot.

I am using:

# Dspam retaining transport
dspam-retrain unix - n n - - pipe flags=XRu user=dspam argv=/usr/ 
    --user antispam

The messages get piped to dspam-retrain-forward.pl, then to dspamc.  
However, dspam-retrain-forward.pl runs for several seconds and dspamc  
only runs for like 1/2 a second. In fact, dspamc exits before dspam- 
retrain-forward.pl is finished. There is no errors in dspam.log.

How can I test to see if an email has been retrained?

This is from the headers of an email that just came through:

Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:54:55 -0700
From: DrOz's Carb Secret <drozcarbsec...@fcsffn.link>
Subject: How Rachael and Other Celebs Shed 5-lbs/Wk, Free Shipping  
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="6525101"
Mime-Version: 1.0
Gypt-Sy: 6525101u-2902001xs_k6525101
To: <a...@datazap.net>
X-DSPAM-Result: Innocent
X-DSPAM-Processed: Thu Jul 23 16:48:07 2015
X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.6963
X-DSPAM-Improbability: 1 in 230 chance of being spam
X-DSPAM-Probability: 0.0000
X-DSPAM-Signature: 55b1530615146197517501

Why didn't it catch it?

Kind Regards,

On Jul 23, 2015, at 12:59 AM, Eric Broch wrote:

> I don't retrain an email if dspam has already tagged it as spam. As  
> for
> the second scenario, I'd train all 500 if they weren't tagged as spam
> (and should have been) even if the subjects were all the same, as the
> subject is only one part of the email used to make a determination.
> On 7/22/2015 8:02 PM, Al Zick wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe someone can help me. In the last few minutes 112 emails came
>> through 109 of them are spam. Do I need to retrain each spam message,
>> or for example if I get 500 spam emails today with "Affordable New
>> Denta Implants Options Available in Your Area" in the subject can I
>> just retrain one of them?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Al
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