Hi Marco,

Do you use spamassassin bayes? Works fine here.

Kind regards,


On 02-02-16 15:46, Marco wrote:
> Hello,
>   I'm very sad. DSPAM is dying and I still haven't found a valid alternative.
> I'm currently using this setup:
> postfix (MX) --filter--> DSPAM ----> Amavis (Spamassassin+DSPAM  
> plugin) --reinjection--> postfix --lmtp--> popserver
> DSPAM is very useful for learning at user level.
> Spamassassin add a score based on DSPAM classification. DSPAM  
> classification depends on user's learn. Amavis finally send the mail  
> to spam folder through the plus addressing.
> Do you know any tools that could replace DSPAM in above schema?
> Thank you very much
> Best Regards
> Marco
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