Over the years I've ended up with some email addresses that are heavily
spammed and no longer in use.
I'd like to take advantage of them as a honeypot for inoculation, with
the knowledge that they only receive spam.
I run Postfix and use dspam as a post-queue filter, as described at
As a result, all mail gets classified/before /I know the final
recipient, as local aliases haven't been evaluated yet.
I'd like to "deliver" mail for these destinations by routing all of it
through something like
| dspam --client --user <user> --source=error --class=spam
without having to first determine if it was improperly classified as
Reading DSPAM(1) reveals
You should use error only when DSPAM has made an error in clas-
sifying the message, and should present the modified version of
the message with the DSPAM signature when doing so.
Does this mean that if the message was originally classified as spam
that the token and message counts
are "blindly" incremented each time it is called,
or does dspam check to see the classification of the message ID before
incrementing the counts?
As easy as it would be to grep for 'X-DSPAM-Result: Innocent', it starts
getting messy
since I also either need the full message or the signature (another grep
pass) to pass to dspam.
If I can't just feed the message into the reclassify dspam call, are
there any "elegant" approaches to this?
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