On 01/04/17 14:01, Kenneth Marshall wrote:
> Hi DSPAM users,
> We have finished our DSPAM upgrade to 3.10.2. I noticed that the DSPAM
> UI for the Quarantine has a 'Select 200' button but it is not very
> useful because the available sort orders for the quarantine a by
> rating - leastlike to mostlike SPAM, date - newest to to oldest, and
> then from and subject alphabetically. In particular, using the reverse
> order to rating and date would allow for easy pruning of the quarantine
> by way of the 'Select 200' option. Please find attached the changes
> needed for the file dspam.cgi to allow the sort direction to be toggled.
> Regards,
> Ken

Thanks for the effort, Ken.  However, you need to be aware that the
quarantine feature has been broken for some time.  There is a bug that
causes redelivery of false positives from quarantine to fail.  I for one
had to turn off quarantine and settle for spam tagging instead because
once mail was quarantined, it was unrecoverable.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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