I was looking to basically remove everything, so we ended up finding the .css file (in /usr/local/var/dspam) and just rm'ing the user directory.

I definitely thought dspam_clean would do the job, guess I'll read up on cssclean to see if I need it. I haven't gotten far enough to need to purge old tokens, but I'll definitely keep a copy of the script around. Thanks!


Steve wrote:
As the title says, I'm looking to clear out all user data/tokens. Mostly it's because I want to retrain under 1 user (globaluser), and do it correctly this time. I tried running "dspam_clean -s 0 username" under the impression that the right thing to do, but there's no indication if this worked or didn't work. Is that the correct way to do it?

With libhash_drv driver you can not use the dspam_clean utility. You need to 
use cssclean. Be aware that the cssclean utility has issues.

Also, will this clear out dspam_stats automatically (since that's one way I've been keeping track of how much I've trained).

As far as I remember the statistical data is not inside the css file so you 
need to look into the DSPAM home directory and clean up the data there manually.
In the daily cron job for DSPAM I wrote for Gentoo, I used this here to 
clean/purge old tokens in the CSS file and old signatures on the DSPAM home 
# Function to clean DSPAM Hash data
clean_hash_drv() {
        # Hash
        if [ -d "${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/data" ]
                find ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/data/ -maxdepth 4 -mindepth 1 -type f -name 
"*.css" | while read name
                        /usr/bin/cssclean "${name}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1
                find ${DSPAM_HOMEDIR}/data/ -maxdepth 4 -mindepth 1 -type d -name 
"*.sig" | while read name
                        find "${name}" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -mtime +${SIGNATURE_AGE} -name 
"*.sig" -exec /bin/rm "{}" ";"
                return 0
                return 1

This is just a small part of the script. Let me know if you need/want the full 
one (it is not specific to CSS cleaning. It does handle all the other storage 
engines as well).



// Steve


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