I got the following errors when trainning dspam:

debian:/tmp# dspam_train  sosogh /tmp/spam_2/  /tmp/hard_ham/
Taking Snapshot...
sosogh            TP:     0 TN:     0 FP:     0 FN:     0 SC:     0 NC:     0
Training /tmp/hard_ham/ / /tmp/spam_2/ corpora...
[test: nonspam] 00191.5fd77d5b5c491cd7d2eaa004e7 result: 
===== WOAH THERE =====
I was unable to parse the result. Test Broken.
What does it exactly mean?

I have looked up the dspam_train perl script , this script invokes this command 
/usr/bin/dspam  --user $USER --deliver=summary < $dir/$msg 

what does this command do? what does "--deliver=summary" mean? I can find out
 "--deliver=summary"  in dspam manpage

Thank you


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