I have few questions  to throw out to the group. 


1)      Can JA stations call sign route to each other?

2)      Is there anything in Robins software that would inhibit someone
calling from one country to another? Let's say the FCC restricts US stations
from calling Iran for whatever reason.

3)      How do the rules apply on D-STAR and IRLP if you are in control of a
repeater system in another country if you don't have a reciprocal operating
permit in hand.

4)      Would that be considered third party operating under the repeater
trustees license to their country? 

5)      So that would bring up the question can we only work countries which
have third party agreements with D-STAR and IRLP when accessing via RF?

6)      I would assume the FCC rules wouldn't apply when using the dongle if
the repeater is on foreign soil?


I know when operating HF we must consider third party rules. but I haven't
heard much about this on D-STAR or IRLP systems


Barry KA0BBQ 


From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dstar_digi...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Nate Duehr
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:12 PM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Updates


I think your info that: "The JA stations can connect to Gateways with their
dv dongles, and reflectors but not via RF." is confusing, Steve.


They can call from RF through their Gateways to our Gateways with
"/REPEATER" routing, but not individual callsign routing. They have no
access to Reflectors from RF at all. 


They can use a DV-Dongle and connect that direct to any of our Gateways or
Reflectors. Normal DV-Dongle behavior, just like we'd bought one.

What doesn't work: Direct callsign routing to/from a JA Amateur between
Trust Server "domains". This is supposedly coming, someday. 

RF from the US: 

We can also "/REPEATER" route to their Gateway equipped repeaters on the
list you provided. We can not individual callsign route to them on the
other Trust Server Domain.

I don't know if Robin has convinced any JA Gateways (or JARL) to run DPlus
(doubt it) on their Gateways, so I doubt Dongle users can connect to their
Gateway equipped systems. That would change things dramatically.

Nate WY0X

From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com <mailto:dstar_digital%40yahoogroups.com>
<mailto:dstar_digital%40yahoogroups.com> ]
On Behalf Of Steve Bosshard
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 10:36 AM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com <mailto:dstar_digital%40yahoogroups.com> 
Subject: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Updates

JL7HHS is qrv in Dubai via dv dongle - also new repeaters in Slovenia. 

Many JA stations are now using the dv dongle and call sign routing. 

Remember one touch does not work with JA stations. Most set their TX
Message to SET /JP1YIUA (as applicable) to tell folks in other places
how to answer. It is good practice for folks wanting to call JA
stations to set their TX Message to SET /KI4SBAA (as applicable) or
the like so the JA station will know how to answer. If not then speak
yor repeater call and module phonetically and slowly. Make several
calls a few minutes apart in case the receiving station did not get
your reply call sign on the first try. The JA stations can connect to
Gateways with their dv dongles, and reflectors but not via RF. There
are many good contacts to be made.

The list of JA repeaters is at

Also don't tie up a reflector with a long contact - keep it short -
many stations are connected to reflectors and it is share and share
alike. Very important LEAVE A PAUSE between transmissions so other
stations can check in. In a round table don't just stop transmitting
- direct you call to another station or else there will probably be a
double or triple keyup and no stations will be heard. Listen a few
rounds before you jump in.

73, Steve NU5D

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