I think everyone should be more concerned about their own identification and
not be so quick to judge others. If you’re in the United States

and you’re a U.S. Government Admin Law Judge or system trustee you aren’t
going to be judging these matters in the first place.


That being said this of course doesn’t mean we can’t have our own opinions.
Mine is below. 


Now on to Moe’s final comment

“I wouldn't take that interpretation, especially if it doesn't 
automatically ID at the end of a call.”

I don’t know too many operators that utter the last thing out of their mouth
at the end of a series of transmissions is their call sign!

Most operators add niceties like 73, closing comments, operating signals
like QRT after giving their call. In CW &  RTTY we use

Prosigns  K, SK, VA or AR 


So as long as your last transmission contains your call sign then haven’t
you properly identified?  So your last D-STAR transmission

contains your call sign if you properly program your call in the MYCALL and
don’t do something stupid like the lid in Denver

that continues to use RG8U. 


I would argue that if your placing information in a transmission which by
design is suppose to contain your legal call or during an

operation which contains a tactical call sign assigned to a group while the
net is using legal calls then you’re in violation of the intent of

the law and good amateur operating practices.  


§ 97.119   Station identification.

(a) Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand station,
must transmit its assigned call sign on its transmitting channel at the end
of each communication, and at least every 10 minutes during a communication,
for the purpose of clearly making the source of the transmissions from the
station known to those receiving the transmissions. No station may transmit
unidentified communications or signals, or transmit as the station call
sign, any call sign not authorized to the station.

So if contrary to design the operator places anything other than their legal
call sign in the MYCALL I say they are not operating with Good Amateur Radio
Practices. For privacy you may choose not to put anything in the MYCALL
field and only voice ID but then you shouldn’t be allowed access through a
repeater or gateway. In other words keep your operation on simplex so as not
to put others at possible legal violations.


Perhaps we as a collective group need to institute some self governing and
“require” only legal calls be in the MYCALL field or remove the user from
access through local repeaters and gateways. This can be accomplished by the
trustee enforcing operating agreements to access local repeaters and
gateways or by the K5TIT group which operates a trust server most systems
use for routing. If we squelch lids now perhaps calls like RG8U will fade



Barry A. Wilson KAØBBQ




   DD A 1299.9000 RPS

    DV A 1283.9625 -12.000

    DV B 446.9625 -5.0000

    DV C 145.2500 +0.6000




From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dstar_digi...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of AB8XA
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 5:40 AM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Legally Identifying?


> ====================================
> Clear as mud when applied to D-STAR? I think I've heard that DV is a
> "phone" emission. But it carries data, too. It's two mints in one!

Then perhaps it should be required to ID on both.
> To be safe - and also to assist those of us driving along the 
> highway and
> can't stare at the display - I'd continue to give a verbal call sign.


> But to challenge the obsolete rules, I'd take the liberal 
> interpretation
> and say the data carries the ID.

I wouldn't take that interpretation, especially if it doesn't 
automatically ID at the end of a call.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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