On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 09:24:42AM -0000, ham44865 wrote:
> Registrations for NEW dstar repeaters to an ICOM TRUST
> do not have data like 10.x.x.x
> I checked about 5 NEW repeater registrations to us trust
> and 3 to European trusts.
> No 10.x.x.x anywhere in any registration packet
> for a NEW repeater.

The registration process for a new repeater includes registering the
repeater band modules as users. Those band modules get IP addresses. K6ZC
has IP addresses, .41, and .42 assigned to it.
Jay Maynard, K5ZC at K6ZC port B    http://www.conmicro.com
http://www.k6zc.org                  http://www.tronguy.net
http://jmaynard.livejournal.com           (Yes, that's me!)

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