Hi dlake2,

I am trying to post this but it gets lost.
I will try again

Thank you for the input.

All I know there are two EU TRUST servers.
A TEST and a LIVE one.

In your IOCM dsipsvd.conf configuration file,
a repeater owner sets the TRUST_SERVER variable 
to the TRUST server hostname that he wants his 
ICOM repeater to belong to.

I've been an engineer for 25 years.
I started in the field in 1981.

I retired in 2002. I am 47 now.

When I say that there are EU TRUST servers 
I am not trying to make you angry.

That is the truth.
The EU TRUST has now about 25 ICOM dstar repeaters.
More are coming online.

Yes, all TRUSTS start small.

I am sure that the us trust did not start with 300 repeaters
in one day.

One by one was added slowly.

So, relax, take it easy, I am not your enemy.

We are both serious about our projects, I have mine,
and you have yours.

I asked the us trust to let me test on their test trust,
but no response so far.

So, my KJ4NHF dstar repeater is registered with the EU TRUST
for now, which is also ICOM based,
doing the tests and progressing like you do.

In the end,we both win and more people will learn dstar.

I think that is what everyone hopes for.

And ICOM will be happy because we are making 
accessible dstar to the home Linux users
who will be inclined to buy dstar HT radios
to talk on the $100 home-made dstar repeaters that 
people set up.

So more dstar repeaters and that means more fun
for everyone.


--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, "dlake02" <dl...@...> wrote:
> Scott
> Sorry to bust your bubble, but I did this over 2 weeks ago now on the real G2 
> system, not the German one that house a handful of repeaters.
> David

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