On Apr 7, 2010, at 12:10 AM, Tony Langdon wrote:

> Yes, there's a bit to learn. When the repeaters here were first 
> setup, they were permanently linked to a reflector with no user 
> intervention possible. Now, they only link by default to the chosen 
> reflector, and users can unlink them and link elsewhere (or talk 
> locally). WHen the system has been idle for some time, it will 
> automatically reestablish its default link.
> 73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL
> http://vkradio.com


Some repeater owners/operators over here still don't allow users to control the 
links.  I find it silly, but it's sometimes how they're set up.

I hate to say something negative about the practice or the people, but it's not 
helping with standardization any.

We limit our commanding to registered stations, but travelers and others who 
are registered can do what they please here in Denver.  

(Well, when the repeater's up.  A long and boring story about a bad power 
supply that was somehow put back into service has folks thinking they're going 
to take a snow-cat or snowmobiles up to the site this weekend, because the 
stack powered off at 4AM a couple of mornings ago... the Gateway's up... and 
I'm just the "Gateway guy" for other long and boring and political reasons... 
so my "stuff" is working.  It was my "stuff" that was failing with bad power at 
the site last summer during thunderstorm season until we bought a big ol' UPS 
to put in-line, so I can't throw any stones... but we're dead in the water 
until someone goes and plays on the winter toys/machines to get to the site.  
The road's still unpassable, from all recent reports, and the mountains are 
still getting new snow this week.  Two years ago, one of the site guys happened 
to need to go to the site for a repair to a commercial system, and someone 
popped for a helicopter flight... and he kindly "fixed" whatever he could for 
the different groups with outages while he was there...)

 - for photos.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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