On Apr 20, 2010, at 6:59 PM, ErnestK wrote:

> You can use a dual band antenna with a dipelxer and duplexers on each band 
> but there are trade-offs. When we first put up W6DHS, we were using a dual 
> band Comet 11dbi on 2 meters. We replaced the two meter side with a DB 
> Products dipole array 6dbd. We measured a 15db signal increase over most of 
> our coverage area. 

A 15dB change in real-world performance means that the original antenna was 
little more than a matched dummy load.  ;-)

> There are differences in the quality of amateur products vs. commercial, not 
> only in accuracy of gain figures, but survivability as well. If you use a 
> dual band amateur antenna, know that it's probably a temporary solution to 
> buy time for some additional fundraising.
> Ernie

Budget double the cost of the repeater itself for a properly installed repeater 
system.  The antennas, feedline, and filtering do the real work.  The 
repeater's just a couple of radios in a box.  :-)

Or as my first Elmer used to say... "The antenna makes the radio."  He proved 
that point over and over again with round-the-world QRP contacts on HF... of 
course, the solar cycle was a tad higher back then.... but.... you get the 


Nate WY0X

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