On 6/2/2010 11:30 AM, Gary Pearce KN4AQ wrote:
> Hi, Pete (and the group),
> Is the 8th position ID character included in call sign routing to
> individuals? If I have KN4AQ and KN4AQ^^A both registered (which I do, 
> with
> ^ meaning the space character), are they treated totally separately?
> For example:
> KN4AQ used Repeater A, then sat there monitoring.
> An hour later KN4AQ^^A used Repeater B, then continued to monitor.
> Another hour later, someone on a distant repeater attempts call sign
> routing to KN4AQ. Would that call be routed to Repeater A or Repeater B?
> Sorry for appearing pedantic about it, but I'm looking for crystal 
> clarity!
> 73,
> Gary KN4AQ


They're treated separately.  Here's why.  The whole string is used as 
the address.

"KN4AQ" in your example...

... is really "KN4AQ___" (three spaces).

"KN4AQ" + "A" in your example...

... is really "KN4AQ__A".

...in the eyes of the routing code, the two don't match each other at 
all.  And that's what happens in a route, the incoming packet's 
destination information is checked for a match.

It's actually pretty brilliant.  By displaying it as a callsign and 
another field on the user-interface in the web, it saves confusion, in a 
way, while creating a multiple-radio feature out of nothing more than a 
user-interface display choice by the developer.

Imagine if it were displayed as one field, and users had to actually 
type in "KN4AQ___" for one radio, and "KN4AQ__A" for another...  Yuck. :-)

Nate WY0X

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