On 7/18/2010 1:53 PM, J. Moen wrote:

The other Las Vegas repeater is listed as N7ARR. http://www.dstarusers.org/viewrepeater.php?system=N7ARR <http://www.dstarusers.org/viewrepeater.php?system=N7ARR> shows only 2 callsigns on its Last Heard report for the last 14 days, but that page also lists the trustee's email address, so you could contact him for answers to your question.

Kent W7AOR operators the N7ARR repeaters. He is open to visitors, as far as I know. He always has been with his IRLP stuff for many many years.

Policy/etc is on his website, http://narri.org/ .

Besides an IRLP Reflector, he also operates D-STAR REF14 and usually can be found on REF14C, which has been the most open reflector I've found to date for low-speed data testing/operation via Reflector (just to see how it'd all work, quite some time ago).

Nate WY0X

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