On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 01:39:03PM -0800, Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to debug the bottle neck(s) in a Solaris 10
> Mailman/Spamassassin/Sendmail VMWare VM and get the following error from
> tcptop:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ 1:35pm 103 # ./tcptop
> dtrace: failed to compile script /dev/fd/11: line 40: failed to resolve
> SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT: Unknown variable name


> I think SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT has been changed to SS_DIRECT
> by a recent putback, although I was unable to isolate it. (no time!)
> Changing my local copy of tcpsnoop.d to use SS_DIRECT fixed
> the problem for me.
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