Hey Hamish,

AKA, what's wrong with the following? Isn't a string literal always a constant?

$ cat > cfretain_calayer.d
   isaptr = *(uint32_t*)copyin(arg0, 4);
   classnameptr = *(uint32_t*)copyin(isaptr+8, 4);
   classname = copyinstr(classnameptr);

   p = (classname == "CALayer" ? "CFRetain(CALayer)\n" : "");

$ sudo dtrace -p 31303 -s cfretain_calayer.d
dtrace: failed to compile script cfretain_calayer.d: line 8: printf( ) argument #1 is incompatible with prototype:
        prototype: string constant
         argument: string

Also, please let me know if there's a better way to be doing this (I'm a dtrace newbie).

DTrace requires that you provide a constant string so that it can perform type checking on additional arguments (i.e. to ensure that if you specify
the %d format option that you have an int to print). You have two pretty
easy ways to fix this:

        printf("%s\n", classname == "CALayer" ? "CFRetain(CALayer)" : "");


        trace(classname == "CALayer" ? "CFRetain(CALayer)" : "");

Note also, that all of your variables should probably be probe-local
(prefixed with this->).

Further, if you only want trace when classname == "CALayer", rather than
printing out an empty string, you could do something like this:

        this->isaptr = *(uint32_t*)copyin(arg0, 4);
        this->classnameptr = *(uint32_t*)copyin(isaptr+8, 4);
        this->classname = copyinstr(classnameptr);

/this->classname == "CALayer"/

Hope that helps.


Adam Leventhal, Fishworks                        http://blogs.sun.com/ahl

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