Hi Adam,

It is not that I think that there is something in error but just my lack
of knowledge I think.
I am an Oracle dba trespassing on dtrace territory.

At some point of time dtrace -l would show the lines below (among
61194   pid24230              java                            _start
61195   pid24230              java                              main
61196   pid24230              java                      CheckJvmType
61197   pid24230              java                          MemAlloc
61198   pid24230              java                      ReadKnownVMs
61199   pid24230              java                           GetArch
61200   pid24230              java        CreateExecutionEnvironment
61201   pid24230              java                        LoadJavaVM

Sometime later these were not present anymore.

BTW is there perhaps something like a dtrace course?
I want to dtrace java with djvm/dvm Provider .

Regards Hans-Peter

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Leventhal [mailto:a...@eng.sun.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 20:31
To: Sloot, Hans-Peter
Cc: dtrace-discuss@opensolaris.org
Subject: Re: [dtrace-discuss] pid$provider appearing and disappearing

Hi Hans,

> Perhaps someone kan explain why at some point of time I see when 
> executing dtrace -l provider pid24230 (24230 is a java process) and 
> some time later it has disappeared whereas the process 24230 still

I'm not sure I understand the scenario you're describing. Can you show
the output you're seeing? Can you describe the change you're seeing that
you believe to be in error?


Adam Leventhal, Fishworks                     http://blogs.sun.com/ahl

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