Thanks for spelling that out what you were working with.

As a matter of style, splitting the test logic across probe declarations sure 
would be easier to read (and reread). 

All that opt_* test logic in one predicate requires the maintainer to 
understand the preamble. For example, when is OPT_command set? When opt_pid and 
opt_name are not, which means a command should be given instead (otherwise the 
help option triggers). If there is a command, it is read from $* which, judging 
by the documented comment may throw off a reader from time to time.

While I trust there isn't a substantively cleaner way to add so many options, 
in this case I would opt for separating concerns and choosing clarity of 
expression over economy.

Just a US$0.02 observation based on the time it took me to unravel your 


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