First, I am using Mac OS X 10.6.3. I am still fairly new to DTrace.

For the release build of my application, I get the following error message:

dtrace: invalid probe specifier pid93120:myApp::entry: failed to create entry 
probe for '-[NNASoundManager initializeSounds]': Invalid argument

For the debug build of my application, when I execute:

sudo dtrace -l -n 'pid93120:myApp::entry'

I get a nice long list of entry probes, including one for -[NNASoundManager 
initializeSounds] :

154562   pid82065       myApp -[NNASoundManager initializeSounds] entry

Does anyone know what might be causing this error and how to get around it?

I have been able to get the list of entry probes for the release build of a 
test is just unclear to me where to look for differences that 
might affect this.

Thank you.

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