
self->d4 = ((GUID_t *)this->sptr)->Data4[0];

works but

self->d4 = ((GUID_t *)this->sptr)->Data4;

doesn't with following error:

dtrace: failed to compile script nums.d: line 20: operator = may not be applied 
to operand of type "unsigned char [8]"


-----Original Message-----
From: James Carlson [mailto:carls...@workingcode.com] 
Sent: 08 November 2011 18:50
To: Mehul Choube
Cc: dtrace-discuss@opensolaris.org
Subject: Re: [dtrace-discuss] concatenate structure members into one variable

Mehul Choube wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to collect the performance information for each myFunc call. The 
> program is multi-threaded and uses multiple queues which can be served by any 
> thread. GUID is the unique handle for each request. I can collect the 
> information and store it based on GUID something like:
> @[guid] = ...
> I think the ID is correct.

Then just use the data as they are.  Dtrace doesn't have functions that
translate buffers into D strings.

(The trace() mechanism actually logs the raw data; the printing occurs
well after the fact when the user-space code gets ahold of the sampled

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>
dtrace-discuss mailing list

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