I am SOOOO tired of my duets. When they work, they are the best thing
ever, but then they just stop. I spend hours tinkering with every
possible thing from updating all packages on my Synology NAS,  rebooting
it, rebooting the duets, updating/removing/adding back in third party
plug-ins....it's always something different and without fail decides to
stop working before a party or on a "relaxing" Sunday when I want to
kick back and relax. I just spent the last two hours doing this, finally
got one duet to work, but now I can't control the volume from my android
app, the web app or the actual remote controller! 

I quit. 

Funny thing is the squeezebox radio always works. If there is something
wrong with my NAS connection, I can just connect to mysqueezebox.com and
it works, even spotify (on the duet I get "can not play type of file"
through the spotify app. But, of course, the sound quality is crap on
the radio.

I really need to rant, so thanks for listening. So, now, is there
anything else out there that can use spotify and similar apps, get to my
music on my NAS and, most importantly, use my own hifi system! 

Any advice would be great. I want to throw it all out the window at this

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