kidstypike wrote: 
> That's a bit harsh...
> I use a BT Home Hub5, have 4 instances of LMS (not all running at the
> same time), 7 players always on and connected, a PC, 2 laptops, (mine
> and wifes) 2 phones (mine and wifes) a tablet, a printer, various home
> plugs, and a wifi extender in the garage/workshop. The BT Home Hub5
> handles all this without the slightest problem.

You have been lucky. My son had one that played havoc with anything
wireless and constantly needed resetting. Wired was ok but the wireless
became unusable. He had done all the usual stuff like stopping auto
channel selection and checking the channels operated by his neighbours.
In the end he switched off the wireless on the Hub and used an old
Netgear router as a downstream Access Point. That completely solved the

*Vortexbox LMS 7.8 music on QNAP TS419p via NFS* iThingys/iPeng/Tablets
*Living Room* - SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 - > Celestion Ditton F20s - Zone 2 ->
Sony TA FE 320 -> Sennheiser RS 130 & B&W P7
*Office* - RPi -> Sony TA FE320 -> Celestion F10s / SB3 -> Onkyo CRN 755
-> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom *Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - SB Touch -> Topping TP21 -> AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - Amazon Fire TV (SB Player) -> Topping TP20 ->
Wharfedale Modus Cubes
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