I searched this forum and couldn't find an answer on point. I just
upgraded from a 2012 Mac desktop to a 2021 Mac desktop. My music library
is on iTunes, now Music. My playlists did not transfer from the old Mac,
probably because it crashed and I had to have the music transfer
directly from the old hard drive. I was able to transfer my music,
however. I had to create new playlists. My music shows up in LMS, but my
new playlists do not. I cannot find the playlists on the new hard drive
connected to my new computer(which is where I store the music now);
however, they do exist in iTunes and Music and can be played there. 

I am using two Duet receivers and iPeng, although I needed to use the
Duet controller (which has a difficult-to-view screen) for setting up
LMS to use on my stereo.

I would appreciate any thoughts or recommendations as to how to get my
new playlists recognized by LMS.


psmciner...@comcast.net's Profile: 
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=115363

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