Hi Romain,

please have a look at the compiler messages:

tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:173:14: erreur: déclaration ne déclarant rien du tout tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:173:33: erreur: 'fvElemGeom' was not declared in this scope tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:174:14: erreur: 'VolumeVariables' was not declared in this scope tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:174:31: erreur: 'volVars' was not declared in this scope
The first semicolon in each of the lines
FVElementGeometry; fvElemGeom;
             VolumeVariables; volVars;
is too much.

tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:176:14: erreur: 'ElementIterator' was not declared in this scope
tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:176:30: erreur: expected ';' before 'elemIt'
tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:177:30: erreur: expected ';' before 'elemEndIt'
tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:178:21: erreur: 'elemIt' was not declared in this scope tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:178:31: erreur: 'elemEndIt' was not declared in this scope
You have to declare the type "ElementIterator." You can copy the typedef from heterogeneousproblem.hh.

tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:186:38: erreur: 'numVerts' was not declared in this scope
You have to uncomment the line defining numVerts (184?).

tutorialproblem_coupled.hh:198:22: erreur: 'Kzz' was not declared in this scope
You have to comment this line since you only want to provide Kxx.

Kind regards

1- But I don't how to declare variables and where to do it. Because in the " "test/boxmodels/co2/heterogeneousproblem.hh.", variables are only declared in the routine and it compiles but not when I copy it in "tutorialproblem_coupled.hh". 2- If I understood well it is from intrinsicPermeability that my permeability will come from "tutorialspatialparams.hh" ?
Thanks to the community,
ps : the addOutputVtkFields :
void addOutputVtkFields()
typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double, 1> > ScalarField;
            unsigned numVertices = this->gridView().size(dim);

//             //create required scalar fields
ScalarField *Kxx = this->resultWriter().allocateManagedBuffer(numVertices); // ScalarField *boxVolume = this->resultWriter().allocateManagedBuffer(numVertices);
// //
// //            (*boxVolume) = 0;
// //
            //Fill the scalar fields with values
              unsigned numElements = this->gridView().size(0);
ScalarField *rank = this->resultWriter().allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
             FVElementGeometry; fvElemGeom;
             VolumeVariables; volVars;
ElementIterator elemIt = this->gridView().template begin<0>();
ElementIterator elemEndIt = this->gridView().template end<0>();
             for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt)
                 int idx = this->elementMapper().map(*elemIt);
                 (*rank)[idx] = this->gridView().comm().rank();
                 fvElemGeom.update(this->gridView(), *elemIt);
//                 int numVerts = elemIt->template count<dim> ();
                 for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
int globalIdx = this->vertexMapper().map(*elemIt, i, dim);
// (*boxVolume)[globalIdx] += fvElemGeom.subContVol[i].volume; Scalar perm = this->spatialParams().intrinsicPermeability(*elemIt, fvElemGeom, i);
                    (*Kxx)[globalIdx] = perm;
                   (*Kzz)[globalIdx] =   perm[dim-1][dim-1];
//pass the scalar fields to the vtkwriter
// this->resultWriter().attachVertexData(*boxVolume, "boxVolume");
            this->resultWriter().attachVertexData(*Kxx, "Kxx");


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