Hello Dumuxers,

I would like to test UMFPack on my application. However, I failed to compile it 
with this solver. I got the latest version of SuitSparse (4.4.5), compiled it 
and successfully tested UMFPack. When I run dunecontrol it tells me that 
UMFPack is found. Now, if I compile my application, the compiler complains 
about undefined reference to 'SuiteSparse_config' in several functions. So it 
seems like something is not linked correctly here. Anybody has an idea what 
could be wrong?

Best regards

Georg Futter

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics | Computational Electrochemistry | 
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40 | 70569 Stuttgart

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Futter | Ph.D. student
Telefon 0711/6862-8135 | georg.fut...@dlr.de<mailto:georg.fut...@dlr.de>

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