Hi Etienne,

sorry to get back to you so late.

1. The residual evaluation is done element-wise. On each element, secondary variables are calculated from the primary ones by using the material law defined on the subcontrol volume. If the parameters are defined element-wise like in your example, it uses different parameters for the different subcontrol volumes. We are disregarding the possible jump in saturation.

The right way to treat this situation would be by means of an appropriate interface condition,
We still need to implement this.

If your model setup allows it, you can define your material parameters control-volume-wise. This would get you out of this problem, but has its own ones -> 2.

We are not satisfied about this current situation and are working on an improvement.

2. Thank you for the hint. I was not really aware of this fact. I am not sure it this plays such a big role for large-scale simulations with usually large element sizes. Nevertheless, we would heavily welcome an implementation of a corresponding Riemann solver to solve this issue. Alternatively, this sounds like a good student thesis to me.

Kind regards

On 03/22/2016 04:01 PM, Etienne Ahusborde wrote:
Hi Bernd,

You will find in the enclosed file two questions concerning this point.

Best regards


Le 21/03/2016 16:57, Bernd Flemisch a écrit :
Hi Etienne,

yes, this is what we do. Can you give more details on why/when this is problematic?

Kind regards

On 03/21/2016 10:48 AM, Etienne Ahusborde wrote:
Dear DuMuX Community,

With my colleagues, we would like to know how Dumux treats the computation of the convective flux at the interface of two heterogeneous
media for the implicit scheme.
It seems that for the absolute permeability, an harmonic mean is used while for the mobility, a weighted upwinding is used (with by default mobilityUpwindWeight_=1 in dumux/imlicit/common/implicitdarcyfluxvariables.hh). We wonder if an other specific treatment is performed since upwinding can produce non-physical solutions.

Thanks in advance for precisions.

Best regards


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IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
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