Hi Georg,

there is no easier way to evaluate the gradients in the scv centers at the moment.

If you have to do something like this, it usually hints to the fact that your discretization isn't suited for the problem which you want to solve. Like in Stokes, where we discretize both the pressure and the velocities with vertex degrees of freedom. What are your primary variables? Which other PDEs do you solve additionally?

Kind regards

On 09/27/2016 10:16 AM, georg.fut...@dlr.de wrote:

Hello Dumuxers,

For my fuel cell model I would like to implement the following energy balance in the membrane:

The last term on the right describes the effect of ohmic or joule heating due to charge transport. Here, a dot product of the current density has to be calculated resulting in a volumetric heat source.

Now here comes my question:

For the box method, the fluxes (current densities) are only defined at the sub-control volume faces. Is there a way to calculate/interpolate a flux representative for a sub-control volume (e.g. the flux at the center of the scv)? Until now, I only found the possibility to calculate the gradients at the scv center by setting the EvalGradientsAtSCVCenter property to true and doing the same as in computeSource of the freeflow/stokes/localresidual.hh. Then the flux at the center of the scv can be calculated.

Is there an easier way?

Best regards

Georg Futter


*German Aerospace Center *(DLR)

Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics | Computational Electrochemistry | Pfaffenwaldring 38-40 | 70569 Stuttgart

Dipl.-Ing. *Georg Futter* | Ph.D. student

Telefon 0711/6862-8135 | georg.fut...@dlr.de <mailto:georg.fut...@dlr.de>

www.DLR.de <http://www.dlr.de/>

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