Hi Tri Dat,

I checked the velocity computation. There is a comment that says that it only works for cubes. That being

said, we could compute element velocities by evaluating the pressure gradient at element center using the P1 ansatz functions.

This is probably not done right now because we currently allow discontinuous permeabilities per sub-control-volume. So this is why

the current approach uses a weighting of the scv velocities. Which results as you saw in weird velocities. I don't know if the element

center approach results in better velocities especially when looking at discontinuous param multi-phase simulation. @all Someone

else might know more than me.

So the problem that you have with both cell- and vertex centered FV is that your only primary variable is the pressure. So computing the

velocity field is a post-processing step and generally the pressure gradients are not approximated everywhere in the domain because we

compute fluxes, so you can't just evaluate the velocities everywhere you want. If you look at 1p cell-centered FV with triangles you also get weird velocity values.

There might be smarter ways to reconstruct the velocity fields than currently implemented but they

are going to be more complicated / time consuming.

Do you need good velocities for e.g. particle tracking?

Best wishes


On 20.10.2016 15:08, NGO Tri Dat wrote:

Hi Dumuxers,

I have just done a simple test of 1p model with a pressure gradient along X-axis on cube and simplex meshes and using implicit box method.

The simulation parameters:

-Permeability K = 1E-11 (m^2)

-Viscosity of the fluid : mu  = 1E-3 (Pa.s)

-Pressure gradient: delta_P = 1E+8 (Pa)

-delta_X = 3 (m)

The velocity along X-axis should be v =  K/mu * div p = 1/3 (m/s)

The attached image shows the pressure and velocity field obtained by Dumux.

Unfortunately, the velocity field on two meshes are quite different. Concretely, the simulation result on cube mesh is similar to the theoretical one, but not the test on simplex mesh.

I wonder if there is a bug in the calculation of velocity on simplex meshes in Dumux.

Could you please check it and confirm me?

Kind regards,

Tri Dat

PS: I also send you the used *.hh/input/mesh files


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